1. Circulatory system……………………………………………. 3
2. What
are chordates?................................................................... 3
General features of circulation………………………………. 3-4
Body fluids…………………………………………………… 5
Fluid compartments………………………………………….. 5-6
Blood……………………………………………………….... 6
7. Hearts…………………………...…………………………… 7-8
The Flow of Blood
inside the Heart…………………………. 8-9
9. References…………………………………………………….. 10
Circulatory system, system that
transports nutrients, respiratory gases, and metabolic products throughout a
living organism, permitting integration among the various tissues. The process
of circulation includes the intake of metabolic materials, the conveyance of these materials throughout the
organism, and the return of harmful by-products to the environment.
are chordates?
Chordate, any member of
the phylum Chordata, which includes the vertebrates, the most highly evolved
animals, as well as two other subphyla the tunicates and cephalochordates. Some
classifications also include the phylum Hemichordate with the chordates.
As the name implies, at some time in the life cycle a chordate possesses
a stiff, dorsal supporting rod (the notochord). Also characteristic of the
chordates are a tail that extends behind and above the anus, a hollow nerve cord above the gut, gill slits opening from the pharynx to the exterior, and an endostyle, its derivative
between the gill slits. (A characteristic feature may be present only in the
developing embryo and may disappear as the embryo matures into the adult form.)
A somewhat similar body plan can be found in the closely related phylum
General features of
All living organisms take in molecules from their environments, use them to support
the metabolism of their own substance, and release by-products back into the
environment. The internal environment differs more or less greatly from the
external environment, depending on the species. It is normally maintained at
constant conditions by the organism so that it is subject to relatively minor
fluctuations. In individual cells, either as
independent organisms or as parts of the tissues of multicellular animals,
molecules are taken in either by their direct diffusion through the cell wall or by the formation by the surface
membrane of vacuoles that carry some of the environmental fluid containing
dissolved molecules. Within the cell, cyclosis (streaming of the fluid cytoplasm) distributes the metabolic products.
Molecules are normally conveyed between cells and throughout the body of
multicellular organisms in a circulatory fluid, called blood, through special channels, called blood vessels,
by some form of pump, which, if restricted in position, is usually called a heart. In vertebrates blood and lymph (the circulating
fluids) have an essential role in maintaining homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment) by distributing substances
to parts of the body when required and by removing others from areas in which
their accumulation would be harmful.
An internal circulatory system transports essential gases
and nutrients around the body of an organism, removes unwanted products of
metabolism from the tissues, and carries these products to specialized
excretory organs, if present. Although a few invertebrate animals circulate
external water through their bodies for respiration, and, in the case of
cnidarians, nutrition, most species circulate an internal fluid, called blood. There
may also be external circulation that sets up currents in the environmental
fluid to carry it over respiratory surfaces and, especially in the case of
sedentary animals, to carry particulate food that is strained out and passed to
the alimentary canal. Additionally, the circulatory system may assist the
organism in movement; for example, protoplasmic streaming in amoeboid
protozoans circulates nutrients and provides pseudopodal locomotion. The
hydrostatic pressure built up in the circulatory systems of many invertebrates
is used for a range of whole-body and individual-organ movement.
Body fluids
The fluid compartments of animals
consist of intracellular and extracellular components. The intracellular
component includes the body cells and, where present, the blood cells, while
the extracellular component includes the tissue fluid, coelomic fluid,
and blood plasma.
In all cases the major constituent is
water derived from the environment. The composition of
the fluid varies markedly depending on its source and is regulated more or less
precisely by homeostasis.
Lymph essentially consists of blood
plasma that has left the blood vessels and has passed through the tissues. It
is generally considered to have a separate identity when it is returned to the
bloodstream through a series of vessels independent of the blood vessels and
the coelomic space. Coelomic fluid itself may circulate in the body cavity. In
most cases this circulation has an apparently random nature, mainly because of
movements of the body and organs. In some phyla, however, the coelomic fluid
has a more important role in internal distribution and is circulated by ciliary tracts.
Fluid compartments
Blood is circulated through
vessels of the blood
vascular system. Blood is moved through this system by some form of pump. The
simplest pump, or heart, may be no more than a vessel along which a wave of
contraction passes to propel the blood. This simple, tubular heart is adequate
where low blood pressure and relatively slow circulation rates
are sufficient to supply the animal’s metabolic requirements, but it is
inadequate in larger, more active, and more demanding species. In the latter
animals, the heart is usually a specialized, chambered, muscular pump that
receives blood under low
pressure and
returns it under higher pressure to the circulation. Where the flow of blood is
in one direction, as is normally the case, valves in the form of flaps of
tissue prevent backflow.
of the ventricle forces the blood into the vessels under pressure, known as the blood pressure. As contraction continues in the
ventricle, the rising pressure is sufficient to open the valves that had been
closed because of attempted reverse blood flow during the previous cycle. At
this point the ventricular pressure transmits a high-speed wave, the pulse,
through the blood of the arterial system.
The volume of blood pumped at each contraction of the ventricle is known as the stroke volume, and the output is usually dependent on
the animal’s activity.
After leaving the heart,
the blood passes through a series of branching vessels of steadily decreasing
diameter. Although such structural differences are less apparent in
invertebrates, the terms artery and vein are used for vessels that carry blood
from and to the heart, respectively. The closed circulatory system found in
vertebrates is not universal; a number of invertebrate phyla have an “open” system. In the
latter animals, the blood leaving the heart passes into a series of open
spaces, called sinuses, where it bathes
internal organs directly. Such a body cavity is called a hemocoel, a term that
reflects the amalgamation of the blood system and the coelom.
The primary body cavity
(coelom) of triploblastic multicellular organisms arises from the central
mesoderm, which emerges from between the endoderm and ectoderm during embryonic
development. The fluid of the coelom containing free mesodermal cells constitutes the blood and lymph. The composition
of blood varies between different organisms and within one organism at
different stages during its circulation. Essentially, however, the blood
consists of an aqueous plasma containing sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
chloride, and sulfate ions; some trace elements; a number of amino acids; and
possibly a protein known as a respiratory pigment. If present in invertebrates, the
respiratory pigments are normally dissolved in the plasma and are not enclosed
in blood cells. The constancy of the ionic constituents of blood and their
similarity to seawater have been used by some scientists as evidence of a
common origin for life in the sea.
While the solubility of oxygen in blood plasma is adequate to supply
the tissues of some relatively sedentary invertebrates, more active animals
with increased oxygen demands require an additional oxygen carrier. The oxygen carriers in blood take the
form of metal-containing protein molecules that frequently are colored
and thus commonly known as respiratory pigments. The most widely distributed
respiratory pigments are the red hemoglobin’s, which have been reported in all classes
of vertebrates, in most invertebrate phyla, and even in some plants. Hemoglobin
consist of a variable number of subunits, each containing an iron–porphyrin
group attached to a protein. The distribution of hemoglobin in just a few
members of a phylum and in many different phyla argues that the hemoglobin type
of molecule must have evolved many times with similar iron–porphyrin groups and
different proteins.
The green chloro cruor
INS are also
iron–porphyrin pigments and are found in the blood of a number of families of
marine polychaetes worms. There is a close resemblance between chlorocruorin
and hemoglobin molecules, and a number of species of a genus, such as those of Serpula, contain
both, while some closely related species exhibit an almost arbitrary
distribution. For example, Spirorbis borealis has
chlorocruorin, S. corrugatus has
hemoglobin, and S. militaris has
The third iron-containing
pigments, the hemerythrins, are
violet. They differ structurally from both hemoglobin and chlorocruorin in
having no porphyrin groups and containing three times as much iron, which is
attached directly to the protein. Hemerythrins are restricted to a small number
of animals, including some polychaetes and sipunculid worms, the brachiopod Lingula, and some
Hemocyanins are copper-containing respiratory
pigments found in many mollusks (some bivalves, many gastropods, and
cephalopods) and arthropods (many crustaceans, some arachnids, and the horseshoe crab, Limulus). They are
colourless when deoxygenated but turn blue on oxygenation. The copper is bound
directly to the protein, and oxygen combines reversibly in the proportion of
one oxygen molecule to two copper atoms.
The presence of a respiratory
pigment greatly increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood; invertebrate
blood may contain up to 10 percent oxygen with the pigment, compared with about
0.3 percent in the absence of the pigment. All respiratory pigments become
almost completely saturated with oxygen even at oxygen levels, or pressures,
below those normally found in air or water. The oxygen pressures at which the
various pigments become saturated depend on their individual chemical
characteristics and on such conditions as temperature, pH, and the presence of
carbon dioxide.
In addition to their direct
transport role, respiratory pigments may temporarily store oxygen for use
during periods of respiratory suspension or decreased oxygen availability
(hypoxia). They may also act as buffers to prevent large blood pH fluctuations,
and they may have an osmotic function that helps to reduce fluid loss from
aquatic organisms whose internal hydrostatic pressure tends to force water out
of the body.
All systems involving the consistent movement
of circulating fluid require at least one repeating pump and, if flow is to be
in one direction, usually some arrangement of valves to prevent backflow. The
simplest form of animal circulatory pump consists of a blood vessel down which
passes a wave of muscular contraction, called peristalsis, that forces the enclosed blood in the
direction of contraction. Valves may or may not be present. This type of heart is widely
found among invertebrates, and there may be many pulsating vessels in a single
An elaboration of the simple peristaltic heart
is found in the tubular heart of most arthropods, in which part of the
dorsal vessel is expanded to form one or more linearly arranged chambers with
muscular walls. The walls are perforated by pairs of lateral openings (ostia) that allow blood to flow into the heart from a
large surrounding sinus, the pericardium. The heart may be suspended by alary muscles,
contraction of which expands the heart and increases blood flow into it. The
direction of flow is controlled by valves arranged in front of the in-current
Chambered hearts with
valves and relatively thick muscular walls are less commonly found in
invertebrates but do occur in some mollusks, especially cephalopods (octopus
and squid). Blood from the gills enters
one to four auricles (depending on the species) and is passed back to the
tissues by contraction of the ventricle. The direction of flow is controlled by
valves between the chambers. The filling and emptying of the heart are
controlled by regular rhythmical contractions of the muscular wall.
In addition to the main systemic heart, many
species have accessory
booster hearts at critical points in the circulatory system. Cephalopods have
special muscular dilations, the branchial hearts, that pump blood through the capillaries,
and insects may have additional ampulla hearts at the points of attachment of many of their
The control of heart rhythm may be either myogenic (originating
within the heart muscle itself) or neurogenic (originating
in nerve ganglia). The hearts of the invertebrate mollusks, like those of
vertebrates, are myogenic. They are sensitive to pressure and fail to give
maximum beats unless distended; the beats become stronger and more frequent
with increasing blood pressure. Although under experimental conditions acetylcholine (a substance that transmits nerve
impulses across a synapse) inhibits molluscan heartbeat, indicating some
stimulation of the heart muscle by the nervous system, cardiac muscle
contraction will continue in excised hearts with no connection to the central
nervous system. Tunicate hearts
have two non-innervated, myogenic pacemakers, one at each end of the peristaltic
pulsating vessel. Separately, each pacemaker causes a series of normal beats
followed by a sequence of abnormal ones; together, they provide periodic
reversals of blood flow.
The control of heartbeat in most other
invertebrates is neurogenic, and one or more nerve ganglia with attendant nerve
fibres control contraction. Removal of the ganglia stops the heart, and the
administration of acetylcholine increases its rate. Adult heart control may be
neurogenic but not necessarily in all stages in the life cycle. The embryonic
heart may show myogenic peristaltic contractions prior to innervation.
Heart rate differs markedly among species and
under different physiological states of a given individual. In general it is
lower in sedentary or sluggish animals and faster in small ones. The rate
increases with internal pressure but often reaches a plateau at optimal
pressures. Normally, increasing the body temperature 10° C (50° F) causes an
increase in heart rate of two to three times. Oxygen availability and the
presence of carbon dioxide affect the heart rate, and during periods of hypoxia
the heart rate may decrease to almost a standstill to conserve oxygen
stores.The time it takes for blood to complete a single circulatory cycle is
also highly variable but tends to be much longer in invertebrates than in
vertebrates. For example, in isolation, the circulation rate in mammals is
about 10 to 30 seconds, for crustaceans about one minute, for cockroaches five
to six minutes, and for other insects almost 30 minutes.
The Flow of Blood inside the Heart
Blood from the
posterior portion of the body enters the right atrium of the heart through the inferior vena cava and
the superior vena cava.
Blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle via
the tricuspid valve. Label each on the diagram. Blood is then pumped through the pulmonary semilunar valve and
into the pulmonary trunk where
blood travels to the lungs. Blood then flows through the pulmonary arteries to
the lungs where it is oxygenated and then returns from the lungs to enter the
left atrium via four pulmonary veins.
Only one of these is visible on the diagram, a tiny vessel on the right side. Blood goes from the left atrium to the left ventricle via
the bicuspid (or mitral) valve.
leaves the left ventricle of the heart through the aortic semilunar valve and
enters the aorta. The aorta has a visible arch
with vessels that lead to the head before the artery descends into the rat's
thoracic cavity.
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